For Skincare, It’s the Habit That Counts

I used to be solidly in the I-don’t-get-it skincare camp.

Although I didn’t have the delusion that people being interested in skincare was a novel thing (cough…the outline…cough).

I took awful care of my skin. In fact, I barely took care of my skin.

After a conversation with my dermatologist I started washing and moisturizing my face twice a day with Cetaphil and Cerave AM and PM. That was more than a year ago and my skin has never been happier (or smoother, or brighter, or cleaner, or more moisturized).

I recently stumbled upon a breakthrough of sorts when it comes to skincare that I wanted to share with all of you. It’s simple.

If you make any skincare routine a habit you will see improvement. No matter how much (or how little!) you spend on the product. 

Here’s what happened:

I have always had dry, chapped lips. Just always. Like so chapped that I can’t wear lipstick or gloss because it gets all cracked and ugly.

I was reading a newsletter (because I love newsletters) and Kim Bui mentioned in passing that she had started using a Korean lip mask that had gotten rid of her chapped lips.

Intrigued that there might actually be a solution to my chapped lips, I put the mask in my online shopping cart.

But I just couldn’t convince myself to spend $20 on something that was not even an ounce.

Wait, I thought. I have never, ever tried anything habitually to get rid of my chapped lips. Sure, I use chapstick but that was basically it.

I did some searching and found a similar product (Rosebud Salve) that cost only $6. I told myself – buy this. Try it every night until it runs out. If it doesn’t work, buy the lip mask.

Guess what?

It worked!



Just the simple act of moisturizing my lips every night has made a tremendous difference on my lips during the day. I didn’t need to spend $20. I just needed to make it a routine.

So whether you’re trying to rein in your skincare spending or you aren’t convinced that skincare “works,” I recommend that you try this out on just one thing: buy a less-expensive, affordable product and make using it a daily habit. Give it time and see if it makes a difference.

I bet that it will.

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About Stephanie Y.

I'm a professional news writer in Frederick, Maryland. I blog at S.Y. Ciphers.

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